How many times did you run into trouble when using the washing vending machines? Well, I got lots of troubles using them. Is it just those machines in the students’ dormitories that always work improperly or most of the vending machines are like that? I feel like I come from the Flintstones era whenever I use the stupid machine (or is it me who's being stupid? Or maybe I just had bad lucks?). Tsk… today I lost 1€ and the machine refused to work. Before this, I experienced the faded colors, the machine stopped working even though the work was not done yet because I didn’t put enough coins, so I regretfully had to take the laundry out and let the water that was left in the machine flowed to the floor. Uh oh, I felt sorry for the Hausmeister who had to clean it up :p. No need to mention what kind of other problems I bumped into in the past, you must have experienced at least one of them too.
Ah… but forget about the bad luck. The sun always shines after a rainy day. After I lost 1€, I got my hand full explaining to a cute guy who came in after me and wanted to use the same defect-metal-box.
And if I remind myself of what happened yesterday… I shouldn’t complain about losing the tiny amount of money. ‘Cos I got a television for freeeeee!!! Yay!!! Thanks to Z who found it outside my room and told me to take it in. It’s like someone sent me a TV from heaven to replace my old TV that got broken during the delivery when I was moving into this room. And I kept that broken TV for a long time ‘cos I didn’t have the heart to throw it away. At least not before I found its successor. So I finally set it free yesterday. Sure, I took its last picture standing alone in the empty hallway... for the sake of memento.
Ah… but forget about the bad luck. The sun always shines after a rainy day. After I lost 1€, I got my hand full explaining to a cute guy who came in after me and wanted to use the same defect-metal-box.
And if I remind myself of what happened yesterday… I shouldn’t complain about losing the tiny amount of money. ‘Cos I got a television for freeeeee!!! Yay!!! Thanks to Z who found it outside my room and told me to take it in. It’s like someone sent me a TV from heaven to replace my old TV that got broken during the delivery when I was moving into this room. And I kept that broken TV for a long time ‘cos I didn’t have the heart to throw it away. At least not before I found its successor. So I finally set it free yesterday. Sure, I took its last picture standing alone in the empty hallway... for the sake of memento.

the 'defect-metal-box' problem did happen to me several times stell, but without the free television..
how lucky you are... :D
2 menit setelah lo angkut tu tv:
datang seorang cowok ganteng yg baru kehilangan 1€ur di mesin cuci itu dan berkata:
Kampret! udah ilang uang sekarang tv gue ilang f*@.!??!!....(sambil jedot2in kepala ke tembok)
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