Sunday, August 02, 2009

Behind "Liam and Fluffy"

The story bellow, “Liam and Fluffy”, was originally created on Thursday, April 10, 2008, but then edited and published last night, August 1, 2009. Oh…. almost 1.5 year after it was first written.

I asked a friend who happened to be online that day and was chatting with me, for an inspiration regarding the characters’ names, because I was not satisfied with my own ideas. They were Helly the dog and Bombi the lioness. I then finally took the name Liam for the dog after searching in internet. It means a determined guardian. And I took the name Fluffy for the lioness after my friend’s suggestion.

This short story is actually part of a “novel” that I wanted to write two years ago, but I never finish it. I then started with another story and didn’t finish it either. For those two fictions, I’ve already known the beginning and the end of the stories, but I got stuck in the middle part because lack of ideas. Other than that, my writing skill sucks….

Oooh… since I mentioned that “Liam and Fluffy” was part of my prior novel-on-work, I want to make it clear though, that it wasn’t about children story at all. It was about a young teenage girl, full of hatred, contented to take revenge on her own father and drew a plan to get rid of her step mother. The draft was ended tragically with her soul mate’s death and her own suicide. My sister and brother-in-law laughed so hard at me when I told them about this novel where all the characters die.

After I reread the whole pages all over again until the day changes, I decided that I hate the general idea of the story, even though I like how it ends. No, I’m not depressed and I wasn’t depressed when I wrote it. I don’t know why, I ’m just so into a sad ending story, either it is in a film or in a book. But who knows, it might just my way to escape from the blues.
OK, maybe this is the two sides of me who loves to laugh and to be sentimental at times.

Hmm… I think I’ll just abandon my first novel. Perhaps I’ll continue with the other one. I like the story better. It was about friendship, but again, of course it was also ended in tragedy. Let’s see… maybe it would change. Hope I have time and inspiration to write again.

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