Thursday, January 07, 2010

One insane guy has really MADE my day

By that, I mean in a sarcastic way.
I know people are people, but how can people change their mind so easily when they know that their altering behaviors might effect the dead/life of other people?! Na…. this is a little bit exaggerating, of course. But it does happen, doesn’t it?

Anyway, I met this particular irritating person some months ago. Out of the blue, he wrote me a surprising email this evening, giving me an ultimatum to "change the past".

Tsk...! How could such a person belongs to this wonderful world?! I'm speechless...


Chanaka Lloyd said...

i can make neither the head nor the tail of the post. what's it all about?

now now...are you taking your vitamins properly, santi?

Unknown said...

Hey Santi, All is well?

anomalous saga said...

:D yeah, everything's fine. im cheerful as always. you should be worry about you, u're ill :(

Unknown said...

we should put an end to this,
i'll hold him from behind and you kick him in the nut ok

anomalous saga said...

hahahaha..... OKAY!