Sunday, January 17, 2010

Super Junior's Dance Bait

I'm recently going crazy about the dance style of this boy band.

Long time ago someone in some forum said about how great their song Sorry Sorry was. Out of curiosity I played it a little bit and stopped the music after some seconds. First time I heard their name I was like, "Ha...? Super Junior? What kind of name is that? Is it a bunch of school kids or what?"

But then two days ago, I just bumped into their video in Youtube. So I remember this Sorry Sorry song, and decided to give it one more chance. Then... aww...... aww..... cool! I just realized they're so cool! I want to try their dance move, but I can't dance. So I end up jumping to the left and to the right like a big monkey with my head stays still and my eyes fixed to the monitor, not wanting to let any single move escape from my sight.
How terrible...! If I can have a second life, I wish I can be a professional dancer.

Oh, now I like the song also. I think the melody is kinda cute and catchy.

One more dance video from them.

One dance clip has made me fancy them :D

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I wonder where my sunshine has been

The first day I arrived in Bremen, I didn’t have my semester ticket yet. So I just decided to stroll on the street, looking for the nearest supermarket to my new home. I picked the wrong turn and got lost. No wonder, I have a really bad orientation. But thanks to that, it brought me to 3 wonderful people, who gave me an instant good impression of Bremen.

That day, tired of going without a clear destination, I stopped a middle-aged couple who were walking hand-in-hand, asking for help of where I can find the nearest Supermarket. I was a bit surprised because they turned out to be very friendly. Well, some friends already told me that the Germans in the north are much warmer than those in the south. But only after I met that couple I started to believe in what I heard. We had a small conversation and before we parted they wished me a good living in Bremen. I was so happy because of that.
And now, if I take a look on some parts of my life, I can see that their wish has came true :D

I continued on walking as they directed. After some minutes I started to have doubts again. Then there was this young guy walking through the sidewalks with white earphones (iPod? OK, not important!) on each side of his head. He walked in a bouncy way, looked so happy to me. ‘Cos he was the only one I could see on that street, I decided to ask for his advise.
He talked like the advertisement salesmen on DRTV (those who talk soooo incredibly fast like they never take time to breath or swallow their spit). Have you ever seen Nigahiga on Youtube promoting his Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball? Well, this young guy talked almost as fast and in a cheerful manner.
He had a very bright aura around him and I was enchanted by his super big fascinating smile. Oh no no no no…. this is not love at first sight! Not at all! He is just a teenager after all. But I loved his charming smile and personality.

Day goes by and month changes. I met him for the third time (I forgot when/where/how we met on the second time, but I’m sure it was the third time). He was again with his white earphones, stepping into the crowded tram where I was in. I was so tired and moody that day, and I couldn’t get a sit so I became even more moody. But as I saw him (he was surprisingly smiling, even though I don’t know to whom), it felt like the sun has finally arrived.
When I wanted to press the stop button on the handlebar, I couldn’t, because his hand was covering it. Then he pressed the button for me and spread that enchanting smile again, hehehe…… I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. He was my sunshine.

It’s been 3 or 4 months since the last time I met him. Wonder where he has been. I kinda miss my sunshine.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

First Attempt: Failed!

It has all fallen through to the deepest ground. I turn off the light, so I don't have to see the traces it left behind.
Waiting for a new one to come and cover the whole ground with new traces. So I can turn the light back on with the greatest enthusiasm.

Never give up! Keep fighting!

Josh Verdes - Save Me

One insane guy has really MADE my day

By that, I mean in a sarcastic way.
I know people are people, but how can people change their mind so easily when they know that their altering behaviors might effect the dead/life of other people?! Na…. this is a little bit exaggerating, of course. But it does happen, doesn’t it?

Anyway, I met this particular irritating person some months ago. Out of the blue, he wrote me a surprising email this evening, giving me an ultimatum to "change the past".

Tsk...! How could such a person belongs to this wonderful world?! I'm speechless...

Monday, January 04, 2010

Feeling Warm at Heart

I think I’m having one of the best parts of my life in the last one-third year of 2009. Especially talking about my life in Germany. These happy days are still continuing until today, dreamfully for good.

I’m so grateful that I’m surrounded by so many good friends and I’m so thankful that I think I am loved or at least cared about. Never in other town in Germany I found so many nice people that I can count as my best friends, the ones that connect so well with me, since I’m not the kind of person who can easily feel close to many people. My father even told me that I’m cold. I think it’s true :p Though this doesn’t mean that I’m not friendly, hehe…

I will never regret that I come to this city. It might be one of my biggest luck. My friends in class are mostly great and my Indonesian friends are incredibly awesome.

So, thank you friends for being my friends ♥

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Uuugghh.... ngga sabar buat nge-review foto, ...

... tapi batere harus dicharge dulu. :(

Hari ini seru banget. Akhirnya rencana jalan2 pas lagi liburan panjang terlaksana juga, meskipun di hari-hari akhir menjelang mulainya lagi masa kuliah yang bikin stress. Meskipun ide untuk jalan-jalan keluar kota Bremen udah dibikin dari jauh-jauh hari, tapi semua acaranya dibikin dadakan.
Dimulai dari New Year's Eve kemarin malam. Sehabis selesai nonton pertunjukan kembang api, selagi kita jalan menuju halte bis, akhirnya kita putuskan bahwa acara jalan-jalan harus dilaksanakan hari itu juga. Walaupun belum tau mau kemana, yang penting ngumpul dulu di Bahnhof jam 12 siang.
Ternyata yang jadi pergi cuma 5 orang. Tapi ngga masalah, tetep seru buat gw. Bingung mau kemana, akhirnya kita mutusin buat ke Rotenburg dulu, 2 menit sebelum keretanya berangkat. Lari-lari menuju Gleis, akhirnya kekejer juga keretanya. Lumayan, olah raga dikit buat kompensasi penumpukan lemak di minggu sebelumnya (pesta makan hampir tiap hari, siang dan malam :D).
Udah gitu ke kota kedua, disebelah selatan Bremen, Twistringen. Ternyata lebih kampung daripada Rotenburg. Hari udah gelap, akhirnya cuma berhasil memuaskan nasib perut keroncongan dengan kebab. Begitulah kalau hari libur di Jerman, semua toko tutup. Cuma ada beberapa Imbiss dan resto aja yang buka.
Tadinya kami mau ke Cuxhaven, tapi karena udah terlalu sore, akhirnya pergi ke Bremerhaven aja. Sekalian nganter Paupau yang tinggalnya emang disana.
Sesi foto-foto di Bremerhaven yang paling seru. Soalnya kita lumayan berhasil dengan eksperimen kita.
Yah seneng deh pokoknya hari ini, walaupun ngebatalin ikut pesta makan tahun baru dan dicela sama yang punya pesta, tapi yang penting banyak yg didapet hari ini. Ngga tambah gendut krn ngga ikut makan2 lagi plus banyak jalan n kelaparan, jadi tau ada bioskop super murah di kampung Twistringen, bisa menguasai satu gerbong kereta, cekikikan sampe sakit perut, dapet suasana baru, dapet bahan baru untuk di-upload di Facebook dan yang paling penting: napsu narsisme terpuaskan.

>>> the adventure team ^o^